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Don’t Just Set Goals. Build Systems
Member-only story

Don’t Just Set Goals. Build Systems

Kurtis Pykes

Kurtis Pykes

Auther of Don’t Just Set Goals. Build Systems


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The easy path in social media is promoting the worst content, the cheapest, tackiest, lowest-effort stuff. That’s not what you get on Medium. You can actually find content you can build your brain with. I appreciate that, both as a reader and a writer.

Cassie Kozyrkov, Chief Decision Scientist at Google and Medium member


Medium has proved a game-changer for me, and quickly became the subscription I value the most, and I have quite a few. The cost is nothing compared to the value Medium generates for me month after month.

Enrique Dans, Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and Medium member


For us tech folks, Medium membership unlocks a whole treasure trove of high-quality articles. One good technology book could sell for over the Medium membership fee amount. It’s your choice whether to buy one book, or buy hundreds and thousands of books by unlocking member-only reading on Medium. Investing in a Medium membership is one of the best investments I have ever made for my career.

Wenqi Glantz, Software Architect at ArisGlobal and Medium member

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